Heart of the sky is representative of the forces of love that made all of creation possible, from the oceans to the trees and everything in between. When Heart of the Sky appears In our midst it is with the reminder that we too are capable of infinite creation and this source of boundless love is available at any time. This love is as apart of us as the rivers of blood that flow through our veins. If you find yourself living a life that feels lacking in inspiration it is likely that you need to deepen your connection with the heart of the sky and truly understand that every individual is blessed with infinite creative potential. It’s entirely up to us to choose how this river of creativity flows between us and the divine. It can be every flowing and rapid or if you are unable to truly trust and therefore dive into this connection it can be sluggish and seemingly unmoving. Any barrier that impedes your flow of creation can be removed with a willingness to remove the ego from the reigns of control and allowing your divine messengers in to take the wheel. They are always willing and waiting to deliver messages of assistance and creative inspiration but we must be willing to hear them. Think of the divine as your muse. This muse can take the form of whatever need be so that you can receive your message, this muse can speak fluently in your language of creativity. They will never try to push you to conform your creativity into that of another, so be willing to invite in your heavenly muses and watch your creative life unfold.
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To live a life in alignment with the beauty way means one must be willing to find the hand of the divine behind all things, even the things we find unwanted or troublesome. It is natural to meet challenges in your journey that you would rather avoid completely, it’s natural to find yourself occasionally asking “why is this happening?” We can save ourselves mental anguish by reminding ourselves that there must always be a higher perspective to our struggles. The divine doesn’t ask us to endure seasons of heaviness unless it is for the benefit of our growth and understanding or perhaps to show us our own power and resilience. Whichever the case even in the moments you can’t make sense out of, the divine sees in perfect clarity.
Some of you I’m sure have heard me say “there’s always sugar to go with the shit” which is a golden piece of wisdom that was given to me a few years ago. Whenever life seems more “shitty” than it does fulfilling this is the time to ask yourself what the sugar is. At this time if you are willing to surrender your frustrations to the divine and simply ask what you are meant to be learning the path can can be revealed to you. This doesn’t mean that every obstacle will suddenly be cleared but now you’ll have the tools needed to successfully hurdle them or at the very least you’ll be equipped with the insight to wait for clarity to manifest itself.
If you are looking to experience more beauty in your world it is important to lean on your own soul to be your source. While it is truly a gift to share in beauty with others if you rely on them as your source of light you will find your peace short lived. However, if you recognize yourself as a beacon of divine beauty it makes it that much easier to attract resonate energy on your path, whom you can share in living the beauty way with.
There are many ways to invite more beauty into your world. The first is to surrender into simplicity. Don’t over complicate your life by trying to have every step figured out when in truth your destination will only be reached when you are meant to. By surrendering into the simplicity of the moment you grant yourself the peace to literally “stop and smell the roses” this is a time to seek out wonder and divine love in everywhere that you look. If you look with a heart that is open wider than your perceiving eyes, you’ll find beauty surrounds you every breath of the way.
when the completion card appears before us it signals that a cycle of learning & manifestation has come to an end or will very soon coming to an end. With this it is important to acknowledge that while some things will grow and shift into the next cycle with us, other things must be left behind to bloom on their own where they currently stand. This is not about leaving anything or anyone behind it is simply about putting your journey first. It is about trusting that if something/ someone is meant to journey with you it will rise and do so at its own prerogative. By trying to pull others along to stand where you are at in your journey you may find yourself halting the growth of all parties involved. Every flower must bloom at their time. While your time beneath the soil may be through and you find yourself ready to soak in the sun others may still need the protection of the dark soil.
Trust with certainty that every ending must be followed by a new cycle of manifestation. Feeling a cycle coming to a close can feel very uncomfortable and layered with uncertainty. Remember, you’re not supposed to have the future completely figured out. All that is required of you to begin this next phase of growth and discovery is to move forward. Our soul’s tend to tell us the truth in terms of what is working and what isn’t, what we need more of and what must be released. The trick is to actually listen to that intuitive voice rather than letting your ego mute it and push you into a sea of confusion.
This is the time to set your sights on the future. What would you like to create? What would you like to experience? Who is it now that you would like to become? By allowing yourself to embody energetically all that you wish to manifest it can find its way towards you much more quickly. So be willing to wear the mask of who you wish to become without feeling like it makes you inauthentic. If you wish to be a dancer this is the time to practice and act as if you are a working performer even in the privacy of your own bedroom. If you wish to be a writer this is the time to put dedicated effort into your stories, story boarding is a great place to start. If you wish to be a small business owner this is the time to start envisioning the success of your business and working to discover what physical steps you must take today so that your business can flourish in a future tomorrow. Whatever dreams you have that you sense are ready to begin their unfoldment this is the time to give them your full attention and dedication.
This is the time to release anything that is more distraction than it is fulfilling. Remember, listen to the voice coming from within and you will uncover exactly which steps to take.
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