This multicolored rose shirt is one of my favorite button ups. I feel the colors give it a very groovy 70’s vibe but overall my love for it comes from a deep resonance I feel for the Rose. For me this flower is a divine messenger, a confirmation that the divine is near and a sacred symbol of divine protection. Truly understanding the power of divine favor and protection has been a indescribably huge theme in my life this Winter. Because of this I decided to dedicate this edition of Alien Aesthetic to Divine love and presence . Though it’s not something we typically discern through the naked eye I decided to use my love of fantasy to create visuals of how I’d like to imagine the light of universal love surrounds me everyday.

Today’s Featured Alien is Fern on Instagram as @fern.flows. This colorful soul caught my eye while they were in Kindred Spirits and I was instantly enamored with their personal style. My heart eyes grew in size when they introduced themselves as Fern. Not only do they have a wicked sense of style but Fern is also a beautiful flow artist. To me fashion allows you to embody the divine in your own unique interpretation of beauty, rhythm and flow are two certain ways to embody that same powerful energy. In Fern’s own words,”Style rejects ideals. To me, it’s about creating my own unique identity, it’s a preview of my soul & my personality. It’s sets me apart from the masses & shows the world I am in control of who I am. my queer and nonbinary identity influence my style a lot. It allows me to express my feminine and masculine traits and feel comfortable in my own skin”

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