This pink rabbit dress and matching cardigan have been in my wardrobe since I was seventeen and they both remain staples. In animal symbolism the rabbit is often thought to be representative of two distinct energies, either love or fear. I find it very curious that the same animal is thought to be representative of energies that are polar opposites. I also find beauty in that. It really shows through one symbolic animal the power of perspective and that the lenses we view things through are entirely our own. We are truly the energetic conductors of our universe. This dualistic rabbit energy made me think of one of the most powerful and well known quotes from the Emerald Tablets, “as above so below, as the universe so the soul.” This quote is a reminder that our external reality is deeply influenced by our internal reality. If we want our world to be full of peace, love and abundance first we must generate all that energy within our own being. Power truly lies in our hands, in our minds and in our perceptions. This edition of Alien Aesthetic is dedicated to the duality of the rabbit and the reclamation of personal power through awareness and connection to the universe.
